Because once is simply not enough ...


Experience the international diversity of IVV hiking again and again with FELIX...

We invite you to experience this unique 4x4 hike once again - this time at an even more attractive price! Get your new certificate and the exclusive 2time PIN for just €7 (plus any shipping costs).


Are you taking part?

=> Please provide your address/address when registering.

** Information **

Here you will be informed that, due to the great demand, the IVV has given its permission to allow ALL IVV evaluations, from all European IVV member countries.


Associations members of IVV-Europe: Belgium - Denmark - France - Great Britain - Italy - Luxembourg - Netherlands - Norway - Austria - Poland - Sweden - Switzerland/Liechtenstein - Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany.

In the course of the approval of an upgrade by the IVV, IVV ratings can now also be approved by associations from the following countries: Andorra - Estonia - Serbia - Finland - Slovak Republic - Slovenia - Greece - Croatia - Portugal - Spain - Lithuania - Romania - Ireland

As part of its IVV Motivation Programme, IVV-Europa is pleased to introduce a new Cup, the FELIX-CUP.

Flyer for download


What are the characteristics of this new Cup?

It is conceived to encourage and motivate walkers to walk in their home country as well as in neighbtouring countries, during holiday periods or other stays abroad. In contrast to usual cups, not only long-distance hikers and extreme hikers should be eligible to be honoured in a cup, but also "ordinary" walkers, irrespective of the distances walked and the types of events. The period of time needed to achieve this should be manageable and not extend
over years.

Where does the name come from ?

The name of the cup says it all! Felix is Latin and can be translated as: happy, lucky, auspicious, successful, fortunate, the lucky one. Yes, walking makes you happy, it helps against sorrow, listlessness and depression. The FELIX-CUP is a commitment to walking. What could be more obvious than to represent the FELIX-CUP with a symbol of happiness, the four-leaf clover, which every walker is sure to be happy about if he finds one on the side of his path.
The number of leaves indicates the number of IVV walks to be achieved as well as the IVV member countries to be visited.
The colours of the leaves are symbolically the same as can be seen in the rainbow and express worldwide the mood for peace, departure and change. It is also seen as a sign of tolerance and acceptance of diversity of life forms, of hope and longing.

Conditions of participation at the FELIX-CUP:

- Participation is encouraged in 4 IVV walks in 4 different IVV-Europe member countries, without time limit. (Total 16 walks)
- Eligible are all standard IVV walks, guided walks, any IVV permanent hiking trails.
- The Cup has no kilometre or time limit and can be walked repeatedly.

- After payment of the entry fee to the account IBAN: LU04 1111 3103 3835 0000 / BIC: CCPLLULL of the IVV-Europe, reference FELIX-CUP, if desired, a numbered scoring booklet will be sent electronically (free of charge) to the walkers e-mail address or against postage for 2.50 € to the walkers home address.


Once the walker has stamped his FELIX-CUP -booklet with 4 IVV stamps from 4 different IVV-Europe member countries (16 walks), he can send it to the IVV-Europa secretariat.

He can either do this electronically to the address or send it to the postal
address IVV-Europa B.P.56 L-9201 Diekirch.

Thus he has the right to :
- a FELIX-CUP Certificate of IVV-Europe
- optionally a medal or a patch
- a pin
- both awards (medal and patch) are available for an additional payment of 5 €.
- Inclusion in the list of winners of the IVV-Europe (if agreed)
The awards will be granted free of charge at IVV-Europe promotion stands, or will be sent by post for a fee of 2.50 € directly.


The participation fee for the FELIX-CUP is only : 10 €
The IVV Europe Presidium would be very pleased about a numerous international participation !